Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

View of the day-Trying to stay ahead of the weeds that are hiding under the thick crop.

We went into town early to get fuel and the parts that we had ordered, then had a snack at McDonalds before heading back to Hamill. We got the combine serviced and Al noticed the straight header had a couple of large wear spots on the floor under the auger...when did that happen?

He figured the auger was too close, so he did a bit of adjusting so it would sit a bit higher and told Marilyn to see how that would work. We got moved out to the first patch, right near the base of the Hamill Buttes, just a couple miles from town. Once Marilyn got started, Al got everything else spotted with the help of Cal, Callie and Tanner.

Al was dumping in a bin right next to the field, so the haul was pretty sweet for the first couple of patches. He took a couple of loads into town just to make sure the rest of the fields would fit in the bin. Marilyn continued combining and had Callie ride with her during the evening which worked out great because she was able to help move between the fields while Al was gone to Winner.

When Al got back from the last load to town, he emptied the cart, then went into town leaving Marilyn to finish the last of the patch she was on. He was surprised to see another crew had moved into town and was parked in the same lot...blocking most of our trailers, which will make loading up interesting. Once Marilyn finished for the night, Callie gave her a ride back to the camper and that was it for the day.

It was a lot cooler and the wind was blowing hard out of the NW which was helping to make the temperature stay below the 100ยบ mark...a real nice change.

Hopefully tomorrow has more of the same...or cooler yet...

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