Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

View of the day-It looked so promising this morning...until...

Al was up to say farewell to Jeff as he rode off into the sunrise just before 6am...then it was back to sleep until the usual time. The farmer called to let us know he was going to try a test after lunch and he would let us know whether to come out or not. We went out for lunch, then waited for the call.
Marilyn was watching the radar online and there was a rogue little storm that had popped up just north of Gettysburg...right over the field we were to be starting on. The farmer called to let us know he had been working on his tractor when he got caught in a deluge, so we had another day off.

It wasn't long after that the storm swung south and we got hit in town. It didn't last long, but it dumped a good shot of rain, then moved on east.

Marilyn spent most of the day looking for some elusive backup files that were somewhere...can't start the books without them. Al waited patiently for the CFL football game to start, then spent the evening flipping channels...not much else to do.

Tomorrow we fix...for sure...

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