Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011

View of the day-A stack of post rocks sit next to all that's left of the fence line.

Al was up early to get the semi and grain cart unloaded so the farmer could settle up and get on his way back home to Dallas, TX. Once that was looked after, we stopped for lunch, then went out to rescue the General from the other field and get it unloaded.

While Al was unloading the truck, Marilyn went out to the bin site and got the Freightliner started and backed into position to hook up to the empty trailer. She also had to load all the ramps, boomers, chains and straps into the box of the truck...all this in 103º heat, with no real wind to help move the sweat around. Al showed up just as she was getting the last of the second pile moved into the truck, then he backed in with the General so we could use the hydraulics to lift the trailer high enough to hook up the Freight to it. We usually have the tractor loaded on the trailer and use its hydraulics, but it was still out at the field 30 miles away.

We got the trailer hooked up and ready to go, then hooked up the combine trailer to the General...then discovered the inside back dual tire was flat, due to a nail sticking in it...that would need to get fixed. We hooked up the high speed transport header trailer to the pickup and headed for Rush Center, where we would stop at the Coop to see about getting the tire fixed.

Al talked to the tire man and he couldn't get it done right away, so Al figured since there wasn't really any weight on the tire, we would just run it up to the field north of Leibenthal where we were going to do all our loading, drop off the trailer and bring the General back to the tire shop...which we did.

After dropping the General off, we went out to the field to get the combine and header moved to the loading field, then went back for the tractor, cart and shop trailer, moving them to the same place so they could get cleaned up and loaded. Once we got back to the camper, Al took the semi back down to Ken's farm, then got a ride up to the bin site to get the Freightliner and trailer to take them to the loading spot.

With all the moving done in the unbearable heat, it was great to get back to the air conditioned comfort of the camper and get cleaned up and get the satellite dish aimed. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler...highs of 89º, cloudy with a chance of rain.

Let's hope there is a strong wind to help with the cleaning...

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