Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 13, 2011

View of the day-All four machines in the canola today made short work of this field.

Marilyn had a road trip on her agenda today. After getting the combine up and running for Al, she headed out for Yorkton with her list. It was a lot colder today…frost warnings for tonight and the wind was blowing hard and cold...definitely a day for layers.

Al got to combine wheat for the most of the day while Marilyn went to Yorkton to pick up the shop trailer and a few other things…one thing from six different places, so productivity wasn’t that great. Groceries, parts from Case, Sirius radio from the tractor that was still parked out at Yorkton Auction Centre…and most important, for Marilyn at least…insulated jeans.

After a stop at Tim Horton’s to get a coffee and some donuts for the gang, it was back to Balcarres to take over the combining from Al. After dropping the shop trailer and groceries off at the camper, Marilyn went out to the field just as they were finishing the wheat and were getting ready to move over to a field of canola, so she went back to get the pickup head that was on the trailer sitting in a field that had been seeded with winter wheat.

Al had dropped the straight header off the combine onto the transport wheels and left it in the wheat field before coming to get the pickup head hooked up where Marilyn had left it. Marilyn had gotten a ride into town with Barry, one of the other combiners, to Bob’s parents house for supper and after everyone had gotten there and had their fill, we went back to the combines to make the move to the next field.

We started on the canola and it was so nice to be making time picking up those 35 ft swaths. It had been really slow going in the wheat that was lodged and the straw was green which didn’t help either…it had been desiccated, so the grain was fine but the new guards and sections had a workout.

Al went back to hauling grain and Marilyn combined with the three Massey’s and it didn’t seem to take any time at all before we were done and quitting for the night. The frost was already starting to form on the pickup and the outside temperature guage showed 27ºF(-2ºC)…at 10:30pm!

Let’s hope we have water in the morning…

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