Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011

View of the day-Howie mans the fuel hose as the day is planned out on the ground.

We got out to the field early, got the combine serviced and fueled, then moved to the next field with the rest of the combines. While Marilyn started picking up canola with the other three combines, Al and the guys got the trucks moved around.

We were entertained again by the swarms of hawks and ravens cleaning up the mice that were scattering out of the swaths. They knew exactly where to hang around and followed us from field to field filling their bellies…the owl even showed up in one of the swaths again.

We finished the two quarters we had started on in the morning, just as one of the Masseys had bearing issues on the engine cooling fan. They had to wait for parts, so we were down to three machines for the rest of the day. We moved north of Abernethy to the next field and got another quarter finished before starting on the last one for the day.

We kept going on the canola until it got too tough…95% humidity will do that…then we parked and quit for the day around 10pm. Another good day, just over 150 acres for Marilyn.

Make that a really good day…

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