Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011

View of the day-A tire off a chisel plow or duckfoot or digger or deep tillage...choose your local lingo. Kim was working in the field and the tire had popped a bead...which he was unaware of. He kept working and as it turned through the field, it filled with dirt, packing it in even tighter. When he finally looked at it, he thought it looked low, so he tried to fill it with air...but of course, it wouldn't take it...and he realized what had happened. The guys at the tire shop had quite the time getting it off the rim.

Al had a 'to do' list of things for the day and Marilyn was going to help him, but she got side-tracked trying to get tech support at Sasktel to find out why she wasn't getting any emails for the past two days. After waiting for someone to answer the phone...after all "your call is important to us", she finally got to talk to someone who tried to help her with the dilemma. Looks like someone had hacked into the email and created a bit of chaos, but with the help of Sasktel and some password changes, she was back getting email...minus the spam.

After Al had taken care of all the 'little things' on the list, we started in on the Freightliner window debacle from a few weeks ago. We got the door dismantled, this time taking it several screws further than we had the last time and discovered what we figured the problem was. After a couple of calls to some wreckers to see if we could find a complete door for it...rather than trying to mickey-mouse the mechanism...when we discovered there weren't any out there, we decided to go the mickey route.

We gutted the parts for the chain pulley that cranks the window up and down, then eliminated some of those parts and with Kim's welding skills to build up the broken parts, had it working in almost no time at all. It cranks up and down smoothly...something it never did before...but it doesn't stay up or go all the way up. Al says it works just fine for him, he will use a bungee cord to hold the handle so it doesn't drop down and Marilyn and Marg have some plans for fixing the gap at the top.

We got run off a couple of times while we were working on the Freight, there were some rain showers that passed through...actually the first one was waaay more than a really came down, although it didn't amount to much in the gauge. We all went out for supper after such a productive day, then booked off for the rest of the evening.

Marilyn is quite happy with the fireplace in the just takes the chill out of the cool, damp evening...

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