Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

View of the day-A moose makes the scene…not too concerned as it walked between two sloughs.

We were up and at ‘em by 10:30am and the going was good all day. We were working on a full section and were cutting out big patches to work around so we wouldn’t have to dead head back to the cart or trucks.

The truck drivers were hauling from both fields, to bins and to the elevator in town…which took a lot of coordinating so that no one was waiting too long to dump. Once the guys were finished picking up swaths at the field north of us, they moved over to our field and one of them jumped in to help out…only one straight header, so the other one had a break.

While we were hard at work on the wheat, the farmer across the road was working on flax swaths and as he would get some done, they would rake up the straw left behind into big stack…then set them on fire. What little wind there was, managed to be blowing in our direction, so we got all the smoke off the burning piles…and the sun looked like it was on fire, too.

Once we had most everything full, we quit for the night, stopped to get fuel for the combine in town, then went back to the camper for the night.

And the northern lights were dancing…

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