Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28, 2011

View of the day-The fields were swarming with ravens, hawks, an owl and a fox...only two would hold for a photo...and the batteries died in the camera.

We were out at the field, serviced then up and picking up canola swaths by 10am. There were clouds in the NW and we did have a few sprinkles, but only enough to make a mess on the windows when the dust started to stick.

There was lots of dust, but this time we had a pretty brisk wind which made going one direction a challenge...but with an arrow straight swath, a full mile long, there was no getting off the track. Those mile long runs made for great productivity by all four machines...a best acre day for Marilyn, getting 163 acres before quitting at 10pm.

After a run into Abernethy with Howie to get fuel from the Coop, Marilyn got back to the camper before Al, who was unloading the last truck at the bins before bringing it back to the yard.

Tomorrow we kick it again...

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