Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1, 2008

View of the day-Al at the "bin" unloading the General.

The fabulous fall days don't seem to be ending and today was no exception. The only thing we missed was the wind...even a breeze would have made things at the 'bin' a little less dusty for Al.

We continued combining on the wheat, with Al running cartloads back to the pile which meant he didn't have a day of moving the auger...well, actually he did have to move it to the pile first thing in the morning.

Marilyn got to take some pictures while Al was taking a turn in the combine and found something interesting in six of the pictures. She always shoots in burst mode, taking three quick shots at a time...just in case the first one turns out bad. While reviewing the pictures of the day, two sets of three pictures had a small pink spot in the sky...all the rest taken from the same angle had nothing...very strange...see what you think...and the lens was clean. The bugs were like those tiny no-see-ums, it's kind of neat they look so big in the picture.

We finished the wheat around 7pm and after getting everything dumped into the pile, moved over to a canola field half a mile away. Al drove the combine and Marilyn followed in the pickup as he combined his way over to the bins...real the field. Now, this is a field we have never been in, it was dark and there was no wind making following the combine almost impossible...the dust would not clear, so Marilyn would wait a bit, then drive along the swath and hope she didn't end up in a slough. Al had no idea where the bin was so it was the blind leading the blind, until he called the farmer for directions and we finally made our destination.

We went back to get the General, then returned for the cart and after six trips figured out where we were going to be starting in the morning. Once everything but the auger was at the new field, we called it a day and headed back to the camper.

We are wondering where the moon has gone to these past is blacker than the inside of a whale out there at night...

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