Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21, 2008

View of the day-The full size apples in the yard made it through the hard frost...and are mighty tasty.

Al went out to the field with Mike and Marilyn went into Jamestown to pick up computer parts and lunch at Pizza Hut before returning to the field to feed everybody.

It was cloudy, cold and the rain was threatening but the guys got combining and were making pretty good time. By the time Marilyn got back out to the field it had started to sprinkle and she had to take the loaded truck into the elevator. It started raining even harder and by the time she got the truck dumped and stopped to fuel up the General, the guys back at the field had called it a day...yes, the water was running off the header....and that's the rule.

Back at the farm, it was a perfect dark and dreary day to sit by the heater, or take a nap and wait for the rain to pass...except it continued well into the night...quite a bit more that the tenth of an inch earlier predicted.

And tomorrow they are talking snow...

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