Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8, 2008

View of the day-The camper, shop, tractor and Freight are tucked away for the winter...well, maybe not the tractor...snow's coming.

Al was up before the sun...well, it would have been the sun if it hadn't been cloudy...and windy...with rain off and on all day. He was on the road to Esterhazy and Grayson to get settled up and pick up the latest batch of mail.

Marilyn was back at the same old and winterizing the camper...and unpacking...forever unpacking. The camper looked so good after the scrub down that she just wanted to stay in it and never face the mountains of stuff yet to be put away in the house. Unfortunately, while scrubbing one of the fancy mirrors in the camper, she got a little ambitious and put a couple of cracks in it...bad luck for a few years?

Al got back from his junket and we did some rearranging to find space to park everything for the winter. We don't have a lot of room in our yard, it is mostly trees, so things have to be strategically parked in order for them to fit. Once we had things where they belonged, we officially removed the 5th wheel hitch from the back of the truck and put it away for the season.

Al went in to see his Terriers play hockey...or rather skate wasn't good, they lost 5-2. Marilyn continued on, putting things away until she could stand it no more. How did all this stuff fit in the camper? It must multiply during the night...

Tomorrow we move the combine to Carlyle...


Joanne said...

If you don't use your camper anymore, where do you live when you move down south again?

Kuntz Harvesting said...

The farmer's mother has a big house and we get to stay with her...mmm...fresh baked bread and carmel rolls, cookies...AND I get my cat fix in, she has 4 of them!