Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5, 2008

View of the day-Ready to drop seeds…these sounded like maracas when the wind was blowing…

A big day today…loading and moving, with a big change in the weather…gone are the warm sunny days, they have been replaced by a cool overcast windy day.

We had started to get the combine loaded when we felt the first few sprinkles…nothing serious. We moved it to a farmer friends yard about 20 miles south east, on the #9 highway so it was handier for our move to Carlyle later in the week. We ran into the farmer at the coffee shop on the way back to the camper and had an extended gab before heading back to get the tractor and cart loaded.

We had gotten the tractor loaded and tied down when the skies let loose and we got a terrific soaking. It was short lived and with soaked clothes, we headed north of Saltcoats to the winter spot for the cart and trailer. Marilyn drove ahead pulling the shop trailer and we made it to the farmer’s yard and started to unload, when the rain started up again…oh well, we couldn’t get any wetter at this point. Once everything was unhooked and parked, Al took the Freightliner and Marilyn, the shop and we drove back to our house north of Yorkton to park both items before heading back to Esterhazy for the camper.

We got back to Esterhazy in time to go out for Chinese buffet with our camping landlord/farmer then got back to the yard to get the camper closed up for the trip back to Yorkton…in the dark…and in the rain. It was only misting this time, but the wind was howling making it a bit unpleasant to get things done. Once we had everything flanged in, Al drove the car and Marilyn, the camper, back home…our real home.

It rained all the way home and the last three miles of gravel…wet gravel…made a mess of the camper, but hopefully it rains some more to wash it off. It could wait until we get it unpacked…a chore and a half. After parking it on the lawn and getting the most needed stuff unloaded, we decided to leave the rest of the unpacking for tomorrow.

And now there is no internet…well, there is **&^%ing dialup…so painfully slow…can’t get anything uploaded…it hurts.

Looks like a road trip back into town is in order…nay…a necessity…

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