Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4, 2008

View of the day-The Freightliner comes out of retirement to dump the last load of the year.

Al was up extra early...he couldn't sleep, so he went out to unload the grain from everything. Marilyn got out to the field at 10am and started combining on the last 30 acres of canola. We had the wind blowing pretty hard today and the trees must have decided since the harvest was over, it was time to give up the ghost and just let their leaves fly...the show was over.

Al was hoping the bin would hold everything that was left, but no such luck...he had to wait for the farmer to get another bin ready at another site...then it was official...the 2008 Canadian harvest was over for us. Don't worry Dyson, there's plenty of blogging yet to come.

We got the combine, tractor and grain cart moved back to the yard where the camper and shop trailer were parked and Marilyn started cleaning the combine. After how many years of doing the same job, and making sure all the shields were back in place after cleaning the chaff out of all the hidey-holes, who would have thought she would miss one? Yep, tucked behind one of the big tires was a shield on a leash...which now has no leash...and needs major reconstructive surgery.

We met the crew from out east, Al's brother Jeff and his bunch for steaks at the Gerald bar. They had finished yesterday and the meal was a great way to get some visiting in to celebrate the end of the harvest for both of us.

Tomorrow we will be loading up again and getting things moved around. The Freightliner and grain cart will be parked for the winter, the combine loaded and ready to move to North Dakota for the soybean harvest and the camper will get unloaded...that's the's surprising how much it holds.

Al found where that flying saucer from the other day landed...not far from the camper, at 'Area 22' along the 22 highway, and it brought a friend...

No reports of abductions or mutilations...except for the skunk on the highway...

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