Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20, 2008

View of the day-The two semis and the General had to be lined up to keep the colors separated.

We both went to the cafe for breakfast for a change, then went back to the farm to get fuel and "lunch up".

Out at the field we serviced and waited for the rest of the crew to show up and get ready for another great day of harvesting. We had high hopes for the other Case combine...Marilyn was betting today was the day he was going to be trouble free and run straight through. She was out by 12 hours...he made it to one end of the field and back before the reel gave out again. He was so sick of the troubles that he just wanted to quit harvesting...period. Well...we know exactly how that frustration with something that the salesman told you was in "excellent shape, no problems at all"...riiiiight. Anyway, he took his combine home and we worked with two machines for the rest of the day.

We were parked right next to some bee hives, so it was impossible to keep the doors or windows open on the truck to enjoy the beautiful fall day. Even with the doors closed they were buzzing around looking for any way to get in to the vehicles. With a pretty good wait between loads, Marilyn hit upon a plan to keep the little "buggers" busy...she put out half a grape on the top of the open door and watched as the bees checked things out...very entertaining to watch when they weren't humming around your face.

After the first trip into the elevator, Marilyn decided to stop at the tarp shop in Courtnay to see about getting some replacement bungee cords for the tarp. This was the place that had installed the electric tarp roller about five years ago, so he knew the truck. After cutting three different lengths of too short...he installed them and when it came time to pay...Marilyn had no purse, check book or card with her. The guy had no problem waiting until the next load to get paid...what a nice it was the only other load of the day, for the General, anyway.

They finished the field just at sundown and Al headed over to the next field right across the road. As he was opening up the field he noticed a moose strolling across the field and into one of the tree strips. Marilyn had enough time to get a quick picture, but the resolution isn't great because she had to zoom in so much. The moose continued, in no particular hurry, on her way to the wildlife refuge that we were working close to. Quite a wildlife day.

Marilyn wasn't able to get another load in before the elevator closed, so after moving the General over to the new field and walking back for the pickup, she got to go back to the farm. Al got a ride home from Mike an hour time for a blow out game on Monday Night Football.

They are predicting rain for tomorrow...

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